
  • brew upgrade 오류는 brew reinstall php로 해결
    Mac 2021. 4. 13. 20:26

    매일 brew upgrade를 하는 것이 즐거움인데

    며칠전에 오류가 나왔습니다.ㅠㅠ...


    맥이 리눅스 기반이라서 완벽하다고 생각하시는 분들이 많은데

    리눅스의 경우에는 툴들의 충돌도 많고 생각보다 부실한 것들도 많습니다.


    oneboard@oneboarcBookPro ~ % brew upgrade   
    Updating Homebrew...
    error: could not apply 2e3ca1c... php@8.1: rebuild
    Resolve all conflicts manually, mark them as resolved with
    "git add/rm <conflicted_files>", then run "git rebase --continue".
    You can instead skip this commit: run "git rebase --skip".
    To abort and get back to the state before "git rebase", run "git rebase --abort".
    Could not apply 2e3ca1c... php@8.1: rebuild
    To restore the stashed changes to /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/shivammathur/homebrew-php, run:
      cd /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/shivammathur/homebrew-php && git stash pop
    ==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
    Updated 3 taps (shivammathur/php, homebrew/core and homebrew/cask).
    ==> New Formulae
    ==> Updated Formulae
    Updated 38 formulae.
    ==> Updated Casks
    Updated 80 casks.



    해결 방법은???

    한참전에 비슷한 오류가 있었습니다.

    참조해서 오류는 없앴지만, brew 은근히 귀챦고, php 8.1 업그레이드 안됬습니다.ㅠㅠ...



    brew update 오류

    brew update를 했더니, conflict 오류가 나왔습니다. 한번 오류 나오고 끝나는 것이 아니라 지속적으로 생기는 오류이구요. oneboard@oneboarcBookPro ~ % brew update error: could not apply bc7e597... Update..



    그런데, 또 오류가 나오는 겁니다. ㅠㅠ...

    brew의 github를 보니, php 재설치를 하는 방법이 있어서 재설치 돌렸더니, 괜챦아졌습니다.

    brew reinstall php ... 이게 답이네요. 엉킨거는 재설치 !


    oneboard@oneboarcBookPro ~ % brew reinstall php               
    ==> Downloading https://ghcr.io/v2/shivammathur/php/php/manifests/8.0.3
    ######################################################################## 100.0%
    ==> Downloading https://ghcr.io/v2/shivammathur/php/php/blobs/sha256:2d58b492c8b
    ==> Downloading from https://pkg-containers-az.githubusercontent.com/ghcr1/blobs
    ######################################################################## 100.0%
    ==> Reinstalling shivammathur/php/php 
    ==> Pouring php--8.0.3.big_sur.bottle.tar.gz
    ==> /usr/local/Cellar/php/8.0.3/bin/pear config-set php_ini /usr/local/etc/php/8
    ==> /usr/local/Cellar/php/8.0.3/bin/pear config-set php_dir /usr/local/share/pea
    ==> /usr/local/Cellar/php/8.0.3/bin/pear config-set doc_dir /usr/local/share/pea
    ==> /usr/local/Cellar/php/8.0.3/bin/pear config-set ext_dir /usr/local/lib/php/p
    ==> /usr/local/Cellar/php/8.0.3/bin/pear config-set bin_dir /usr/local/opt/php/b
    ==> /usr/local/Cellar/php/8.0.3/bin/pear config-set data_dir /usr/local/share/pe
    ==> /usr/local/Cellar/php/8.0.3/bin/pear config-set cfg_dir /usr/local/share/pea
    ==> /usr/local/Cellar/php/8.0.3/bin/pear config-set www_dir /usr/local/share/pea
    ==> /usr/local/Cellar/php/8.0.3/bin/pear config-set man_dir /usr/local/share/man
    ==> /usr/local/Cellar/php/8.0.3/bin/pear config-set test_dir /usr/local/share/pe
    ==> /usr/local/Cellar/php/8.0.3/bin/pear config-set php_bin /usr/local/opt/php/b
    ==> /usr/local/Cellar/php/8.0.3/bin/pear update-channels
    ==> Caveats
    To enable PHP in Apache add the following to httpd.conf and restart Apache:
        LoadModule php_module /usr/local/opt/php/lib/httpd/modules/libphp.so
        <FilesMatch \.php$>
            SetHandler application/x-httpd-php
    Finally, check DirectoryIndex includes index.php
        DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
    The php.ini and php-fpm.ini file can be found in:
    To have launchd start shivammathur/php/php now and restart at login:
      brew services start shivammathur/php/php
    Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run:
    ==> Summary
    🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/php/8.0.3: 499 files, 77.8MB
    ==> `brew cleanup` has not been run in 30 days, running now...
    Removing: /usr/local/Cellar/dnsmasq/2.82... (5 files, 495.4KB)
    Error: Directory not empty @ dir_s_rmdir - /usr/local/Cellar/dnsmasq/2.82


    GitHub - shivammathur/homebrew-php: Homebrew tap for PHP 5.6 to 8.1. PHP 8.1 is a nightly build.



    :beer: Homebrew tap for PHP 5.6 to 8.1. PHP 8.1 is a nightly build. - shivammathur/homebrew-php



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